Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme

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Learning about the screening procedure

  1. Screening is the carrying out of tests on people without symptoms to detect disease or identify people at increased risk of having disease, so that treatment can be commenced earlier to improve disease outcome.
  2. People with early stage colorectal cancer or at higher risk of having colorectal cancer may not notice any symptom despite stool already containing small amounts of blood invisible to the naked eye.
  3. The screening test used in the Programme is faecal immunochemical test (an improved version of FOBT), which can detect invisible and small amounts of blood in the stool. FOBT is safe. You will be asked to collect stool specimens at home for bringing to designated specimen collection points, which will then be transported to laboratory for analysis.
  4. You should reach a consensus with your PCD how a negative (normal) FOBT result will be communicated to you. It is equally important that your contact telephone and mailing address are accurate and updated so that the PCD may reach you in the event of abnormal results. You may also provide the contact details of a family member in order to aid the PCD in contacting you.
  5. If the FOBT is negative, due to the fact that no screening test is 100% accurate, you should continue to watch out for symptoms of colorectal cancer and seek prompt medical advice when you have any concerns. You should also repeat screening with FOBT every 2 years. Besides, new conditions may occur in the bowel during the 2 years.
  6. If the FOBT is positive, you will be informed by the PCD for a second consultation where the results will be explained and a referral for colonoscopy will be made. The colonoscopy examination is done by using a thin flexible tube with a small camera attached on the end to detect any abnormality on the wall of your large bowel.