Points to note
- The processes, activities, transactions, test results and screening outcomes are captured and tracked by a dedicated Information Technology System which rides on the territory wide eHRSS. Hence, enrolment into the eHRSS is a prerequisite for taking part in the Programme.
- Clinical care will be provided by Primary Care Doctors (PCD) and Colonoscopy Specialists (CS) in the Programme, who shall be professionally accountable for all actions related to clinical care and management.
- The PCD has the ultimate responsibility to inform you of the FOBT result and discuss with you your management plan.
- If you exit the Programme, or withdraw from eHRSS, the Service Provider (i.e. the PCD and CS) will no longer be able to access your clinical data and will have no further obligation to inform you of your screening result. There will be a genuine risk of you missing significant screening results.
- The Programme is subsidised by the Government. However, depending on your choice of Service Provider, you may be required to make a co-payment for their services on top of the Government subsidy. The co-payment amount charged by individual doctors will be available for viewing by the general public. You can click here for a complete list of Service Providers and the co-payment fees charged. The same information will also be displayed on designated mini-posters in the clinics of the Service Provider.
- Any information, including the personal and clinical data as well as contact details provided under the Programme will be used by the Government for one or more of the following purposes:
- Processing your enrolment into the Programme including but not limited to verification procedure with the data kept by the Immigration Department;
- Administration, monitoring, auditing and evaluation of the Programme including but not limited to processing subsidy payment, providing necessary health care service and continuity of care to you, sending reminder(s) for colorectal cancer screening, and investigation of incidents and complaint;
- Statistical, programme monitoring, evaluation and research purposes;
- Any other legitimate purposes as may be required, authorised or permitted by law.
- You give consent to the Hospital Authority to transfer and release your clinical information related to the diagnosis and management of your health problems of the colon to the Government for evaluation of the Programme.
- If you agree to be approached by academic research institutions for cancer-related research, you give consent to the Government to transfer and release your name, contact telephone number and address to the institutions for contacting you on cancer-related research.