Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme

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Positive result

This means that blood is detected in your stool specimen.

Blood detected in your stool does not necessarily mean you have colorectal cancer. It can also be caused by other conditions. You should discuss with your PCD regarding further investigations to look for the cause of bleeding.

Your PCD will contact you for the Second Consultation:

  1. Explain the implications of a positive FOBT result.
  2. Refer you to a Colonoscopy Specialist (CS) for colonoscopy examination to find out the cause of bleeding.

You may choose one of the following referral options:

  1. Referral to CS enrolled under the Programme. The Government will provide subsidy for the “Standard Package of Colonoscopy Service” provided by these specialists. Depending on the choice of CS, you may be required to pay a co-payment fee which should be no more than HK$1,000. In general, the waiting time for the procedure is usually less than 8 weeks. Click here to view the list of enrolled CS and their co-payment fee.
  2. Referral to the private sector. You will exit the Programme and no Government subsidy will be provided. You have to pay all the charges for colonoscopy out of your own pocket. In general, the waiting time for the procedure in the private sector will be in terms of weeks.
  3. Referral to Hospital Authority (HA). You will exit the Programme. You will receive care under the usual pathway in the public sector and be required to pay for charges applicable to HA services.