Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme

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Pre-procedural consultation

Once decided on the CS to consult, you should call the CS to make an appointment for pre-procedural consultation.

An appointment should be available for you within 4 weeks.

You must present a valid Hong Kong Identity Card (or Certificate of Exemption) to the CS for the verification of identity.

CS may offer charity quota to waive co-payment for a participant who is the recipient of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), recipient of Higher Old Age Living Allowance (Higher OALA) aged 75 or above, or holder of valid Certificate for Waiver of Medical Charges. Click here to search for a list of CS providing charity quota. Since the waiver is subject to monthly quota, if you are a recipient of CSSA, recipient of Higher OALA aged 75 or above, or holder of valid Certificate for Waiver of Medical Charges, you should make telephone enquiry with the clinic in advance. On the day of colonoscopy, you should present the relevant certificate to the CS for waiver of co-payment.

During the pre-procedural consultation, you should expect the CS to:

  1. provide you with information about the colonoscopy examination
  2. discuss with you the indications, risks and complications of colonoscopy to enable you to make an informed consent;
  3. obtain your informed consent for the colonoscopy examination;
  4. confirm the date (normally within 4 weeks of this visit), time and venue of the colonoscopy examination;
  5. explain and agree with you management arrangements in the uncommon situation of major incidents or complications arising from the colonoscopy examination;
  6. discuss with you the charges for service items which fall outside the “Standard Package of Colonoscopy Service”;
  7. provide you with medications and instructions on how to prepare your bowel adequately for the colonoscopy examination; and
  8. provide you with the admission documents to bring and sign on the day of the colonoscopy examination.